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OPSF Scholarships

OPSF Future Educator Scholarship

The Future Educator Scholarship

One graduating senior from each of the Omaha Public High Schools will be awarded a scholarship.


The senior must have plans to enroll for the summer or fall term as a full-time student in a post-secondary institution majoring in elementary or secondary education.

Amount: $3000.00


  1. Answer all information requested on the application and submit it online through the OPSF Scholarship Portal. Incomplete applications will not be accepted (includes signatures and scores).
  2. Submit a resume,
  3. Request that ACT scores, a transcript of grades, including courses in progress, be attached to your application.
  4. Request that one letter of recommendation from a teacher, counselor, or administrator be forwarded with your application.
  5. Include a 75-100 word essay explaining why you are choosing teaching as a career.

Selection Process:

The scholarship recipients will be selected by the Omaha Public Schools Foundation Board. Verification of your enrollment at the college or university of your choice and a “Thank You” note directed to the donor should be sent to Omaha Public Schools Foundation. The award will be forwarded to the recipient’s college of choice upon receipt.

Administered by:

The Omaha Public Schools Foundation
Toba Cohen Dunning
3861 Farnam St.
Omaha, NE 68131

Our Impact This Year

  • Scholarship Dollars


  • Teachers Supported


  • Schools Impacted


  • Funds Distributed
