To provide a scholarship for one Omaha Public Schools graduating Latino student who demonstrates a strong work ethic, passion for volunteering in their community and helping others, and commitment to post-secondary education.
$ 2500.00
Selection Criteria:
- Student displays character
- Student holds a minimum GPA 2.75
- Student submits his/her transcript
- Student submits his/herresume.
- Student submits a short essay (500 words) which describes student’s volunteer service experience and how it embodies the spirit of Marian Martinez and her legacy.
- Student submits a letter of recommendation from a teacher, coach or counselor.
Selection Process:
Up to three students may be nominated by each school. Applications that have not strictly followed the guidelines will not be considered. The recipient will be chosen by sponsors of the scholarship. Sponsors may also wish to meet with recipient.
*Please note that the donors would like to see financial information.
Should you be selected for this award, please send verification of your enrollment at the college or university of your choice and a “Thank You” note directed to the donor to Omaha Public Schools Foundation. The award will be forwarded to the college of choice upon receipt.
Administered by:
The Omaha Public Schools Foundation
Toba Cohen Dunning
3861 Farnam St.
Omaha, NE 68131