PTO and School Fundraisers

Does your school need help with a fundraising campaign or PTO project to support teachers and student initiatives? Contact OPSF to find out how we can help, email or call 402.502.3032

Castelar PTO

Castelar Cardinals Determined to Succeed! Cardenales Decididos a Triunfar!Castelar Elementary is located at 2316 S. 18th Street in the heart of South Omaha. We have over 500 students that range from grades pre-k through 5th grade. Our school offers English as a Second...

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Jackson Theater

Jackson Elementary started a theater program in 2022 in cooperation with Omaha Performing Arts and Disney Musicals in Schools! The mission of Disney Musicals in schools is to develop a sustainable theater program in Elementary Schools. We began last year by selling...

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Robert Gilder Scholarship

Purpose: To provide one time financial assistance, for one Omaha Public Schools seniors, who attended Gilder. Amount: $500  payable to an educational institution of recipient’s choice. Verification of enrollment should be sent directly to the Omaha Schools Foundation...

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I Love Public Schools

Building pride and support for public education, one story at a time. I Love Public Schools is committed to building pride and support for public education, one story at a time. Our platform highlights the impactful narratives of schools today, showcasing the...

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Liberty Elementary PTO

Liberty Elementary PTO "Building a strong connections between families and our school, to support all who serve our children" Get involved! Every Friday from 11am to 1pm, volunteers are invited to come help in the cafeteria, library, or with school projects. More...

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Burke DECA

Burke DECA is dedicated to helping students prepare for the 21st Century, including communication, collaboration, critical thinking, and creative thinking skills. To learn more about Burke DECA, visit their website. Below you will find two convenient payment form...

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Buena Vista Home School Partnership

The Buena Vista School Home Partnership (BVSHP)is the parent and family organization for Buena Vista High School.  This group supports the involvement of families in the educational experiences of their students at Buena Vista and includes four subcommittees: School...

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Buena Vista Cheer Team

Buena Vista High School is proud to offer varsity and sub-varsity athletics as a part of the Metropolitan High School Activities Association Conference and the Nebraska School Activities Association. The newly formed Cheer Team needs help with purchasing cheer shoes,...

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Buena Vista Dance Team Fundraiser

The Buena Vista Dance Team is dedicated to promoting school spirit, leadership, and charisma. We are a team of 12 dancers that are ready to learn and grow as a team. Come see us perform at all BVHS varsity football and basketball games during halftime. Go Bison!

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